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You're irreplaceable


You're irreplaceable...

Don't worry, I amen't going to ruin Beyonce on Instagram like I did Madonna (​​)

*View here at your peril.

Anyway, if not to sing then why is this the subject of today's email?

Well I listened to a podcast recently and it got me thinking.

Your body and health is pretty much the only single fail point in your life.​​​​​​​​

If you lose your job your relationships, family, health and hobbies all stay intact (initially, I know there could be consequences for relationships etc further down the line).

If you go through a bad break up you still have every other area of your life intact.

If you chip your tooth you can get it repaired.

If you scratch your watch you can get it fixed or buy a new one.

You get the point I think...

Anyway, if you lose your health ALL these things take a hit.

Your body and health is the one thing money can't replace when it's broken so take care of it accordingly.

If this wasn't enough to hit home I have another analogy for you.

If I said to you the car you have right now has to last for the next 60 years what would you do?

I'm guessing you'd look after it pretty well, invest in it and take action before it broke?

Well your body and health hopefully does need to last the next however many years so do the same...​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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