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Pensions and Promotions.


The world is changing.

(I know, some really unique insight there).

We now expect everything to be available right here and right now.

I'm the world's worst for this.

Having recently moved from the city centre out to the outskirts I have been appalled at the lack of options and speed of delivery available on Deliveroo (I joke, kind of).

We can have anything at the click of a fingertip.

Order something now and chances are it will be here tomorrow morning.

Need a solution to your problem? I've no doubt ChatGPT will have a decent go at finding you a solution.

All this is to say that it's no surprise you get frustrated with your health and fitness journey.

It's not a quick process.

Yes we can see some differences quickly but most real change takes time which is frustrating when we can have most things at the click of a finger.

I like to think of fitness like a pension, investment or a promotion.

Just now you're putting effort in whether that's time, money or effort.

While a promotion now would be nice (the same as some more energy or a bit of weight loss is nice early in your gym journey) it's not the end game.

The end game is to reach X stage in 5/10 years.

Similarly whether we put money in a pension or not we understand the idea that it returns in the long-term.

If you want to really open your mind up hen google 'compound interest calculator' and play about with it.

While these are financial returns, the same are true of health returns.

Your probably getting to an age where you can start seeing some friends bad habits catch up with them.

They look a little wearier, have less lust for life or are complaining of aches and pains all the time.

Heck, maybe I'm describing you!

Remember, the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago but the second best time is right now...

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