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My biggest takeaway's from 2 days at SBC.


I have spent the last 2 days at the Scottish Business Conference in Glasgow and as always with these events it sparked some ideas, strengthened my belief in certain areas and made me question other things.

I thought I would distill some of my biggest takewaways. Many of these weren't neccesarily the topics discussed rather the train of thought the talks led me down.

1- Health underpins all.

I'd harbour a guess that most of us have some kind of financial aspirations and goals. Whether it's simply to have enough money to get a takeaway at the weekened or loftier ambitions like retiring early, money (and the freedom it can bring) is a common marker for goals.

Unless you are a unicorn of an employee or company it takes time to build wealth. We are probably looking at a 20 year time horizon if not longer.

Stocks & shares, pensions, promotions, inheritance and most wealth building schemes take time to flourish. *

If we get to the stage where we have freedom and wealth it truly is worthless without our health and speaking to a couple of people this week hammered that message home.

They had neglected their health yet had built substantial freedom and wealth but all they wanted was the health to enjoy it with.

This for me shows that without health all other investments are worthless, think about this when deciding your priorities.

*You obviously have things like Crypto but you get the general idea.

2- Ideas and information are pretty worthless...

I took over 40 pages of notes but really there will be 2/3 things that actually move the needle for me.

Anyone can have ideas or goals but without implementation it's pretty worthless.

In today's day and age information is EVERYWHERE. You can go on ChatGPT, Youtube or read a book and have decades of information at your fingertips.

The real magic lies in implementation. This is why I always pay for coaches and mentors.

Yes their information can be helpful but they keep me accountable and distill the information I need here and now so I don't get overwhelmed.

3- Do you feel uncomfortable changing because of how it will make other people feel?

Feeling uncomfortable about change is completely normal. Just think of that feeling of ickiness on your first day at a new job.

Not changing because your worried how it'll make friends, family and other people feel?

There's maybe more of a conversation to be had there...

4- Fitness improves clarity.

Both days I got a workout in before the seminar and I had way less brain fog allowing me to take on information way more clearly.

Okay you may not LOVE your job but I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to be in a better mental space for it.

Equally having more clarity of thought when around loved ones is a definite plus!

5- Choose what makes you feel good for 10 years, not 10 minutes...

A Mcdonalds will make me feel amazing for 10-20 minutes and then terrible after.

A gym session may feel pretty rubbish before and during (obviously not at Elevate98) but will improve your life for the next 10 years!

I know what decision I would make more often...

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