Am I losing weight?
Yes= What I'm doing is working so I should push harder (and inevitably crash and burn).
No= I need to change and go to X (new gym/new diet/new Steven Bartlett podcast method).
Now while you may need a change, there are some other markers we can look at to dictate health (as well as showing what these acronyms you see actually mean).
-Resting heart rate (RHR) Your heart rate going down while at rest is a good indicator that your aerobic fitness is improving.
-Heart rate variability (HRV) is up. This indicates your body is adapting to stress better (we shall do a full blog on this at some point). A low HRV can also show we are overtraining or about to get ill.
-Body fat is down. Measured on our Inbody machine this allows us to show clients body fat and/or visceral fat is down.
-Strength is up. You can either lift the same weight more often and/or lift heavier weights.
-You get up in the morning with less pain or more energy.
-You have more energy.
There are LOADS more but hopefully this shows some objective (measurable) and subjective (feeling based) metrics to see improvement that go beyond just weight!