Getting started on your health and fitness journey is TOUGH there is no doubt about that.
The unspoken fact however is that even once training is a part of your life you will experience ruts that are equally difficult to get out of (if not harder).
Occasionally sionally this comes from being in the wrong environment but quite often is actually another issue.
This is particularly relevant at the moment as summer throws lots of people.
You dial in and train hard pre summer holiday, go away and have an amazing time before struggling to get back into routine with fitness.
So what exactly can you do? Here are a few things I like to do.
-Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. This isn't a 'tip' as such but more advice. I have been there when I have sacked coaches, taken on a completely new challenge or just stopped going and believe me it doesn't help.
-Change your routine.
Normally an evening gym goer? Try first thing.
Sunday's are a rest day? Change that up.
-Set a new goal.
Whether it is fitness, aesthetic or lifestyle related having a different goal can stimulate us.
For the more advanced of us we may have to get really specific on which lifts we want to progress.
-Make the most of the time you are there.
It's summer you are going to have more social events and holidays and thus may only make it to the gym twice per week instead of four times which is absolutely okay, just make sure we push it when we are there.
-Plan it in.
When something is in the diary it is MUCH less likely to get cancelled.
-Understand it's part of the process.
If it was easy then everyone would have a six pack whilst running marathons every weekend but the reality is it's tough.
Remember though, at some point you'll want to dial back in and be motivated to some new goals. If you chuck it completely now it will be SO much harder when you do get back into it whereas even if you don't push quite as much at the moment but keep ticking over you make things easier for your future self.