There is no one like you in the world.
This isn't a spiritual or motivational statement. It's fact.
Despite there being 7 Billion people in the world no one is exactly the same as you.
Whether physically, mentally, spiritually or emotionally there are subtle differences between you and even the most like minded people.
This means that being 'disciplined' and doing the thing you don't want to do but that you know will help in the long run looks different for everyone.
For some of our members going to the gym 3x per week instead of 2 is discipline and will help them achieve their goals this year.
For others going LESS is actually what takes discipline.
For me (like some of our members) it isn't hard to go to a cardio class and run yourself into the ground with a competitive workout.
It's actually enjoyable... (yep, we're the weird ones).
Taking adequate rest between sets in a strength session and not just rushing through?
Now that takes discipline.
Equally when it comes to work lives, some of us need to take more action and be more on it while for others being disciplined is actually slowing down and saying no more.
We could all probably do with more discipline in our life, it just isn't always what social media tells us it is.